Monday, December 9, 2013

Nashville Day #1

The minute I got here I knew I wanted to document this crazy ride, so here it is. I left Latrobe a little bit later than I was hoping to yesterday, drove all day, and decided to call it a night when I got to be about an hour outside the city. I was exhausted and after a failed attempt to get comfy in my station wagon (hereafter referred to by her name, Francesca), I caved and got a cheap motel room. The king sized bed was awesome, the rusty shower, not so much.

I woke up this morning admittedly anxious. Or terrified is probably more accurate. It finally occurred to me that I was within an hour of Nashville, Tennessee with nothing but Francesca and my half broke Yamaha. Craziness. Unfortunately, the motel I stayed at did not have wifi so I drove across the street to McDonald's and tried to figure out a game plan. I checked out all the open mics and it looked like the Bluebird Cafe was where I should plan to be for the night. Awesome decision. When I had my fix of coffee, I drove the final hour into the city and the second I got there, any anxiety I previously had disappeared off the face of the earth and was quickly replaced with an incredible elation. With nowhere to go, I drove around aimlessly and walked around where I could just to kill some time and soak it all in. The city is fantastic when you have nowhere to be.

The next few hours were sort of a blur and I'm still taking it all in. I just got done performing at the Bluebird Cafe and am now sitting in a McDonalds (yet again) stealing their lovely free wifi. I could continue in lengthy detail about all the specifics but that seems too tedious of a task. i.e. I'm too lazy to type it all out. It was three hours of nothing but original music from people all over (some from England, Australia, and Canada!). I played one of my original songs and was one of two people to get to play a second song (woot!) and I wasn't booed off stage. Success. I was actually surprised to find that I wasn't the worst musician in there, although I wasn't the best either.

I found a place to crash tonight. So glad Candida Sylvania was able to hook me up. I also ran into two of the musicians from the open mic sitting here at McDonald's and they suggested a hostel in town so I think I'll probably head there in a few days.

That was a lot of text. If you've read this far, well done. You must be bored beyond belief. I'm going to go sit on reddit now. More adventures tomorrow.

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