Thursday, June 30, 2011


Is it really that big of choice?
Who do you love more?

I hate this feeling.
Longing so strongly for God
and yet also longing, just as strongly,
if not more, for that which is visible, tangible,
and of which I'm sure of.

It's absurd that I'd feel like it's a choice.
He only sent his Son to die for me.
He only forgave all of my sins in their entirety
and made me new.
He only loves me with an agape love that, as a human,
I am incapable of replicating.
Only gave it all for ME.

And yet I have the nerve to feel
I need to make a choice??

The battle between flesh and spirit is more painful than I can put into words. Why is this such a struggle?
I wish that the flesh and spirit were
more compatible with one another.

This shouldn't be a choice.
But I'm stuck in this limbo.

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